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7 Powerful Essential Oils: Proven Natural Home Remedies For Fast Relief From Allergies

Because you’re tired of feeling miserable and want stop your allergies immediately – and naturally…


If you’re one of the 50 million Americans suffering from allergies, there’s no doubt you absolutely dread certain times of the year.

Whether you have seasonal or skin allergies, left untreated, they can make you feel fed-up and miserable - a runny nose, blocked sinuses, watery eyes, sneezing, a scratchy throat, coughing fits, inflamed itchy skin, and even asthma attacks - are amongst the many symptoms.

And while you may have tried your share of meds like antihistamines, corticosteroids and decongestants, these often have side effects and might just be making it worse…

The good news? Many essential oils are natural antihistamines that can be safely used at home to treat a variety of seasonal allergies such as hay fever and sinusitis, as well as itchy skin and other allergy related skin conditions like hives and eczema.

It’s no wonder many are turning to essential oils as their natural home remedy of choice for quick and (almost) immediate allergy relief…


An allergic reaction is actually the overreaction of your immune system to an allergen.

We normally think of our immune system as our body’s protector against harmful invaders like bacteria and viruses. It turns out that it can also declare war on allergens – like pollen, plants, grasses, dust mites, mold and animal dander – and leap into action to defend itself against these foreign invaders, even though it shouldn’t. This leads to an allergic reaction…

This reaction instantly triggers the release of antibodies. They send out a message to your cells to stop these unwanted invaders in their tracks. They immediately release histamine - that causes your blood vessels to expand - to hustle off the allergen. And before you know it, your sinuses are clogged (or your nose is runny), you’re sneezing and coughing, have watery eyes - or itchy and inflamed red blotches all over your skin.

So what can set this whole process off - and when? Seasonal allergies, also known as allergic rhinitis or hay fever, start in the spring with tree and flower pollen, carry on throughout summer if you’re allergic to grass, and finally end with ragweed and mold in the fall.

If allergies to dogs, cats, or dust mites are triggers, you may react more strongly in winter when indoor ventilation is poor, although these do occur year-round. And in some cases, itchy skin allergies like hives, rashes and eczema are also linked to the season - it all depends upon what’s setting them off.

Other skin allergies can be triggered by a wide variety of allergens ranging from chemicals, certain plants, cosmetics, nickel, bug bites – and even some foods.

So just what causes our immune system to go into overdrive? Studies suggest that the root cause may be inflammation caused by our modern lifestyle. A stressed and unhealthy body already dealing with high levels of inflammation results in an overworked immune system. It’s no wonder it overreacts when facing a perceived threat…


Luckily, certain essential oils are safe home remedies and powerful natural antihistamines that are not only highly effective and powerful enough to relieve your allergy symptoms almost immediately, but also boost your immunity too…

  • They help fight inflammation - the underlying cause of most allergies.
  • They can soothe, calm and relieve most of your allergy symptoms.
  • They strengthen your immune system so it’s less likely to react to harmless intruders.
  • They work fast – within minutes they are absorbed and circulating throughout your body.
  • They clear and block allergens from entering both your body and home.

Depending upon the time of the year or the symptoms you are experiencing, blending two or three oils will strengthen the benefits in the fight against your allergies. For instance, while the best essential oils for seasonal allergies are eucalyptus, peppermint, frankincense and lemon, you might want to add lavender to the mix if you’re struggling to sleep. And if you’re treating a rash or skin allergy, then lavender, tea tree and chamomile are your best bets.

7 Ways To Naturally Improve Your Health And Boost Immunity Using Essential Oils – Read More

Sonoma Lavender Essential Oil and Eucalyptus Oil


How it helps: Antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, sedative

Best for: Hay fever, mucus, asthma, headache, skin allergies, rash, hives, itchy eyes, eczema, psoriasis, dog and cat dander, sleep

One of the most popular multi-purpose essential oils, lavender contains some powerful medicinal compounds that naturally halt the production of histamine and effectively quash allergies like a runny nose, itchy eyes, hives and other related symptoms. It is one of the best essential oils for allergies that cause itchy eyes.

As a natural anti-inflammatory, it also reduces any swelling, redness and pain associated with conditions such as hay fever and asthma. In doing so, it helps decrease the build-up of mucus - magic words to any allergy sufferer. And best of all, it even helps you sleep better when you’re sneezing, wheezing and feeling all-round miserable.

But lavender’s benefits don’t stop there. It’s one of the best essential oils for itchy skin allergies like eczema, psoriasis and hives - and other rashes and bug bites too - as it soothes away itchiness and pain and helps speed up the healing process.  And as one of the gentlest essential oils, it’s an ideal natural home remedy to use for allergies in your baby or toddler – just ensure you use it safely and correctly.

How to use lavender oil for allergies

Sleep easy: Spritz your sheets with a linen spray and tuck a lavender sachet under your pillow for a peaceful and restful sleep all night.

Inhalation: Rub 1 to 2 drops of lavender essential oil into the palms of your hands. Cup them over your nose and take 4-6 deep and slow breaths to help hay fever and asthma. Or simply diffuse for about 15 minutes every hour to allow lavender’s powerful medicinal compounds circulate through your system and naturally relieve your allergic symptoms.

Skin allergies: Mix a few drops of lavender oil with jojoba oil and apply it directly to the skin area that has developed a rash, eczema or hives. For ongoing relief, use a skin-calming body lotion infused with pure lavender essential oil.

Cold compress: The perfect solution to reduce the swelling and redness of a rash or hives. Chill a lavender spa wrap in the freezer, apply to the skin for 10-15 minutes and feel the cooling relief.

Bath: Add some genuine lavender bath salts to the tub for an all-over soothing anti-itch solution.

Why You Want To Start Using Lavender Essential Oil For Your Skin Hair - And Body – Read More

Sonoma Lavender Sachets Linen Spray and Spa Wrap


How it helps: Anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antimicrobial, immunostimulant, analgesic

Best For: Hay fever, sinusitis, sinus headaches, stuffy nose, coughs, itchy skin, red bumps

With its high menthol content and strong, fresh, minty scent, peppermint oil is one of the best in class when it comes to clearing up your sinuses almost immediately. Although not an antihistamine like other oils, it’s incredibly effective at opening up your airways and relieving a scratchy throat that can cause coughing. That being said, anything that can helps you breathe and feel better is more than welcome.

As an anti-inflammatory, it also works wonders for headaches caused by a build-up of sinus pressure. As an added bonus, it also provides much-needed relief for itching caused by allergies and insect bites because it’s so cooling, reduces swelling and soothes away any pain.

How to use peppermint oil for allergies

Chest rub: To relieve congested sinuses and a cough, mix 2 to 3 drops of peppermint, eucalyptus and lavender oils with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil (like jojoba or sweet almond) and massage into the chest for a few minutes. Also apply to the temples and the back of the neck to ease a headache.

Diffuse: Use a mix of peppermint with lavender and lemon oils for relief from both allergy symptoms and sinus headaches.

Itching Relief: For immediate cooling relief, apply a mixture of 2 drops peppermint oil and 1 teaspoon carrier oil directly onto the itchy skin, allergy bumps or bites.


How it helps: Antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antibacterial

Best for: Hay fever, asthma, sinusitis, post nasal drip, cough, home disinfectant, mold, dust mites, pet dander

Another natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory, this bright fresh oil has been shown to offer relief for not only seasonal allergies like hay fever, but also asthma attacks and post nasal drip. It eases the inflammation and reduces mucus build-up which can cause coughing and sinus infections.

But lemon essential oil is probably best known as a powerful anti-bacterial and disinfectant to use around the home - especially useful if you are allergic to dust mites and pet dander. Lemon oil can kill off bacteria and eliminate any allergy triggers on surfaces and in the air. Perk up - relief is in sight…

How to use lemon essential oil for allergies

Disinfectant: Eliminate any allergy triggers like dust, pollen, mold, mites and dog or cat dander. Add 40 drops of lemon oil and 20 drops of tea tree oil to a 16-ounce bottle filled with distilled water and a little white vinegar. Spray everywhere where allergens may lurk - the air, any soft surfaces like furniture, beds or drapes, and hard surfaces like counter tops and tables.

Diffuse: Combine 3 drops each of peppermint, lavender and lemon essential oils to disperse the fresh, cleansing scent throughout your home.

Sonoma Eucalyptus Oil Essential Oil and Lavender Essential Oil


How it helps: Antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunostimulant, analgesic, decongestant

Best For: Hay fever, sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis, stuffy nose, cough, mold, dust mites, itch bug bites

Ever used Vicks VapoRub to help clear up a nasty cold or cough? Then you’ve already experienced the potent power of eucalyptus essential oil. Well known as a natural home remedy for all sorts of respiratory problems, eucalyptus can help with a blocked stuffy nose, breaking up mucus and phlegm and clearing out your sinuses - so once again you can breathe easier.

As a natural antihistamine, analgesic and anti-inflammatory, it’s one of the best essential oils not only for seasonal allergies but has also been proven to help with bronchitis, coughing and asthma attacks triggered by allergens like pollen and dust. Goodbye sneezing and wheezing…

How to use eucalyptus oil for allergies

Topically: To quickly clear sinuses and ease breathing, coughs and sneezes, warm a eucalyptus heat wrap or neck pillow in the microwave and apply to your chest and neck. Or mix a few drops of eucalyptus with a carrier oil and apply directly to the skin to relieve any itchiness.

Inhalation: Add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to a steaming bowl of water, place a towel over your head and breathe in the steam. Or just add eucalyptus bath salts to a tub of hot water. You can also toss 25 drops of eucalyptus oil in with your laundry to infuse clothes with its natural healing scent during allergy season.

Warm compress: To relieve sinus swelling and discomfort, apply a warm compress across the nose and forehead. Simply heat up a eucalyptus spa mask in the microwave, and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Vapor Rub: To open up the airways and make it easier to breathe, try Dr Axe’s Homemade Vapor Rub that draws on the healing properties of eucalyptus and peppermint oils.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil: A Potent Natural Remedy You Need for A Healthy Home and Family – Read More

Sonoma Eucalyptus Heat Wrap Eucalyptus Sea Bath Salts and Neck Pillow


How it helps: Anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antimicrobial, immunostimulant, decongestant, antiseptic

Best for: Home allergens, skin allergies, runny nose, hives, bug bites, itchy skin, eczema, psoriasis, mold

Because it helps destroy all those airborne allergy triggers in the home - like bacteria, viruses and fungi like mold - tea tree oil is one of the most powerful essential oils for natural allergy relief. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil also help bring down sinus swelling to provide you with a welcome reprieve from a stuffed or runny nose.

Studies have also found that tea tree oil significantly reduces swelling from histamine-induced skin inflammation - in some cases it’s been found to be more effective than prescription creamsTea tree is a very effective essential oil for itching. It can be applied directly to bug bites, rashes, hives and eczema to help reduce itching, lessen the redness and calm the skin. No more discomfort or irritation…

How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Allergies

Diffuse: Diffusing tea tree oil throughout your home will eliminate airborne bacteria and kill mold, and also help clear blocked sinuses.

Topically: Use tea tree oil topically to treat skin rashes, itchiness, allergic eczema and hives. Add 2-3 drops to a cotton ball and apply to the affected area. Do a patch test beforehand.

Cold compress: Soak a clean wash cloth in a bowl of cold water with a few drops of tea tree oil. Apply to the skin for 10-15 minutes to reduce swelling and redness. Repeat every few hours.

Bath: Add anti-itch natural solutions like colloidal oatmeal plus a few drops each of tea tree oil and lavender oil to your bath.


How it helps: Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunostimulant, disinfectant, sedative

Best for: Hay fever, bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis, runny nose, sleep, pet dander, dust mites, home disinfectant

Another potent anti-inflammatory, frankincense oil is one of those wonderful multipurpose essential oils when it comes to treating allergies. It has been shown to help ease the symptoms of bronchitis, sinusitis, and even asthma. It even stimulates the immune system to help keep you healthy and well.

And if you thought a good night’s sleep was distant dream during allergy season, think again. A landmark study found an anti-allergy blend of frankincense, sandalwood and Ravensara oils not only reduced annoying hay fever symptoms - itchy and runny noses, blocked nasal passages and sneezing - but people slept better, had more energy and felt happier.

As an air or surface disinfectant, frankincense oil can also help beat allergens like animal dander and dust mites.

How to Use Frankincense Oil for Allergies

Diffuse: Blend a mix of 3 drops frankincense, 2 drops sandalwood and 1 drop Ravensara oils and diffuse for 30 minutes before you go to bed.

Disinfectant: Simply mix a few drops of frankincense oil in spray bottle with water for an all-purpose anti-allergy relief cleaner that smells amazing.

The Ultimate Guide on How Best to Use Essential Oils - Read More

Sonoma eucalyptus infused eye pillow neck pillow and essential oil spray


How it helps: Anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antimicrobial, decongestant, sedative

Best for: Hay fever, sinusitis, blocked nose, skin allergies, hives, itchy skin, red bumps, eczema

When it comes to sorting out hay fever, Roman chamomile essential oil - another potent anti-inflammatory and antihistamine - can be used to soothe irritated sinuses and so help clear up all that excess mucus, a blocked nose and sneezing. A study suggests that a combination of chamomile, lemongrass and sandalwood oils can actually reduce the histamine response by almost half.

Looking for an essential oil for a rash? Chamomile has also been shown to provide quick relief for many skin allergies – whether they be easing the itchiness from eczema, hives, itchiness or other allergic rashes. It’s great for calming the nervous system too…

How to Use Roman Chamomile Oil for Allergies

Diffuse: Diffuse a few drops each of Roman chamomile, eucalyptus, lemon or lavender essential oils for instant and effective relief from the sniffles and sneezing.

Hay fever: Add one drop of Roman chamomile oil to one teaspoon of jojoba oil and dot around the eyes (not too close), across the nose and cheeks.

Eczema, Rash & Skin Allergies: Blend a couple drops of Roman chamomile essential oil and one teaspoon of carrier oil, and apply direct to the skin with a cotton ball.

So if you’ve already tried your share of remedies to help relieve your seasonal and skin allergies, and are looking for a natural alternative, maybe it’s time to add a selection of the best essential oils for allergies to your first-aid kit.


If you have any medical condition, please consult with your health care professional before you use eucalyptus or peppermint essential oils. There are certain people who should avoid them altogether, including babies, young children under 5 years old, pregnant women and the convalescing or elderly, unless under the guidance of a qualified practitioner. Care must be taken when using with asthmatics, as they may not respond well to these oils.

For children under 12 years, opt for the safer decongesting essential oils such as frankincense used along with oils such as lavender, chamomile, or tea tree in lower doses than used with adults.

Before using an essential oil on your skin, always do a patch test on the inside of your upper arm for 24 hours to check for any reactions.

As essential oils are potent, please do not apply anywhere too close to your eyes. Apply to the temples or cheeks, or sniff directly out of the bottle. They quickly permeate your skin and body and get to work within minutes.

Ensure that you always use top quality essential oils such as Sonoma Lavender’s lavender and eucalyptus oils for allergies. There's a difference between an essential oil and simply an oil, which is basically a perfume. If a label does not clearly state that it is an 'essential oil,' then it is not a pure oil and should not be used as suggested.